DMC 2011 - Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2011 - Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California
DMC 2011 – Diamond Level Sponsor
ATI Defense
Lanyard Sponsor & Cyber Café
BAE Systems
Bottled Water Sponsor
Corporate Banner Sponsor


Call for Abstracts - Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise

Chairperson: Mr. Brench Boden
Air Force Research Lab
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 45433
Phone: (937) 904-4360, DSN674.4360
Fax: (937) 656-4269

The Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise Subpanel seeks abstracts on highly connected and collaborative enterprises directly related to current defense-essential manufacturing activities.  Current ongoing Manufacturing Technology programs funded by DoD or its departments are encouraged to submit abstracts that show the accomplishments and the Warfighter impacts of their programs.  The combined effect of military budget constraints, rapid changes in technology, and the need to deliver superior and affordable weapons to our Warfighters continues to challenge the defense manufacturing community.  Compounding the technology challenge is the requirement to sustain many of our existing weapon systems well beyond their original lifetimes. Papers are sought which address the challenges and offer innovative manufacturing technology solutions which will keep our Warfighters second-to-none on any battlefield.  

Topics of selected interest include:

  • Advanced Enterprise Characteristics:
    • Organize and manage the extended enterprise for rapid, profitable reaction to short and long term needs
    • Accessible, adaptable network of customers, partners, suppliers, and service providers
    • Business practices that cope with complexities
  • Rapid and easily verifiable product development that feeds the digital thread
    • Facilitate innovation and collaboration from concept to retirement
    • Transformed systems engineering process
    • Zero information loss        
    • Model-based methods for product support
  •    Autonomous command and control of execution
    • Manufacturing and Maintenance/Repair/Overhaul
    • Information Driven

Selection criteria will include relevance to Warfighter needs.  Other topics of interest will also be considered.  Selected papers may be used to introduce and support interactive panel discussions or be recommended for poster presentations.