DMC 2011 - Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2011 - Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California
DMC 2011 – Diamond Level Sponsor
ATI Defense
Lanyard Sponsor & Cyber Café
BAE Systems
Bottled Water Sponsor
Corporate Banner Sponsor


By Invitation Only - Metals and Processing and Fabrication

For DMC 2011, the Metals Tracks will have specific themes with invited speakers.

Day 1: Session Topic: Future Integrated Technologies for Machine Tools (FIT-MAT)
Day 2: Tuesday, November 29 Session Topic: Advanced Joining of Metals
Day 3: Wednesday, November 30 Session Topic: Manufacturing Technology for Castings
Day 4: Thursday, December 1 Service Lead: DLA Additive Manufacturing for Metals and Ceramics

Presentations within the Metals track will highlight projects funded within the DOD Mantech program or potential project topics. In order to have more cohesive sessions, the Metals Subpanel has selected four topics that should be of interest to many attendees. Overall the topics have been selected because of their importance to the acquisition and sustainment of our weapon systems.
Some potential topics within the Future Integrated Technologies for Machine Tools session include: MT Connect, Knowledge Drive Manufacturing, Intelligent Machining
Some potential topics within the Advanced Joining session include: Hybrid joining, Friction Stir Joining, Process Modeling,
Some potential topics within the MT for Castings Session include; Process modeling, tailored casting performance, technologies to accelerate cycle time, casting technologies for reinforced materials to improve properties,
Some potential topics within the Additive Manufacturing for Metals and Ceramics include: laser, plasma, ebeam based additive, cold spray, life extension, novel structural build such as reactive materials