DMC 2011 - Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2011 - Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California
DMC 2011 – Diamond Level Sponsor
ATI Defense
Lanyard Sponsor & Cyber Café
BAE Systems
Bottled Water Sponsor
Corporate Banner Sponsor


Call for Abstracts - Sustainable Manufacturing and Alternative Fuels


The Defense Manufacturing Conference 2011 (DMC 2011) Nov 28 – Dec 1 in Anaheim, CA invites you to submit abstracts for the Sustainable Manufacturing and Alternative Energy concurrent sessions.   The following sub-themes are of particular interest:

Sustainable Manufacturing
(a) A Profitable Path towards Sustainable Manufacturing
(b) Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Manufacturing
(c) Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Manufacturing
(d) Meeting the DOD’s Sustainability Targets
(e) Sustainable Manufacturing in Energy-Intense Industries 

Alternative Energy
(a) DOD Leadership in the use of Biofuels in Shipboard and Aviation platforms
(b) Net Zero Energy, Waste, and/or Water Activities within the DOD
(c) Alternative Energy Sources on the Battlefield (e.g Forward Operating Bases)
(d) Operational Energy Challenges within the DOD
(e) Complying with Executive Order 13514 (GHGs) and Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. 
(f) Renewable and Clean Energy technology demonstrations within the DOD (e.g wind, solar, geothermal, fuel cells, energy storage, mobile microgrids)

In summary, this session is looking for presentations/abstracts addressing innovative manufacturing processes or products that ensure support of the defense industrial base while factoring in the Environment, Energy Security & Sustainability.  Individual speakers or panel presentations are both welcome.