
All DMC Technical sessions will be held at the Phoeinx Convention Center.

DMC 2019 Abstract Submission is Closed!

Abstracts are solicited on topics that are controlled by U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and cannot be presented in completely open forums.
All abstracts must be unrestricted and cleared for public release, though the final presentations given at the conference will be ITAR restricted.

Government, Industry, and academia are encouraged to participate. Please click on the topics listed below to thoroughly review the requirements of each session, and determine which session the abstract best fits. Abstracts should be 200-500 words in length. Abstracts must be submitted within the appropriate session using the link provided on this page. Do not attempt to submit abstracts through any other means. Submitted abstracts will be rated based on clarity, value added to the conference, and how well the topic fits within the session. Please note that the conference planning team may determine that an abstract best fits in a session other than what was originally submitted by the author.

The following list of sessions are accepting abstracts. Click on each topic to view details of that session. (ABSTRACTS MUST BE UNCLASSIFIED, PUBLIC RELEASABLE, AND NON-PROPRIETARY)

Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise

The Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise (AME) subpanel is requesting abstracts for presentations to be given at DMC 2019.. Abstracts which emphasize impact to the warfighter or defense industrial base relevance will be given preference. Presentations should be no longer than 30 minutes including 5 min. time for speaker introduction and questions. Abstracts should focus on one or more of the AME Subpanel thrust areas or leveraging commercial best practices into DoD Manufacturing Processes:

  • "Connect the Enterprise" - Enable seamless interoperability of data and processes across organizational boundaries. Topics of interest are the Model Based Enterprise, Data & Taxonomy Standards, Data Integration, Interoperability & Sharing, IT Framework, and Advanced Analytics.
  • "Build the Digital Thread" - Drive a continuous flow of integrated design, analysis, and manufacturing information throughout the product/system life cycle. Topics of interest are MBx, Supply Chain & Logistics, Operations & Maintainability, Model Reuse, and Design-Manufacturing Iteration.
  • "Create an Agile Factory Floor" - Develop adaptive manufacturing capabilities that integrate factory floor resources for rapid response to the warfighter. Topics of interest are the Intelligent Factory, Artificial intelligence/Machine Learning, Prognosis Health Monitoring (PHM), Agile Adaptive Manufacturing, Production Planning & Scheduling, and Model Based Manufacturing.
  • "Ensure a Robust Infrastructure" - Support initiatives and policies to ensure manufacturing infrastructure health and U.S. manufacturing superiority. Topics of interest are Cybersecurity, Workforce Training & Education, and Risk Analysis, Business Processes.
  • Leveraging commercial best practices into DoD Manufacturing Processes.

In addition to these four thrust areas, the AME subpanel would entertain other best practices or lesson learned from non-traditional defense applications. Please limit the length of the abstract to 300 words.

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Biotechnology applications for austere airfield construction, warfighter performance enhancements, cold chain mitigation for therapeutics, and the biological production of >1000 DoD-relevant molecules, etc. have all leveraged biology’s disruptive capabilities. For example, in a recent demonstration of remote-site biomanufacturing, DARPA and the Air Force showed how biological processes could be used to build runways, potentially changing the way DoD deploys in austere locations. Biotechnology has been identified as a national strategic priority in National Defense Strategy to ensure we enable future military capabilities towards building a more lethal force with greater performance and affordability. To address the scope and leverage the advancements, we must accelerate technological advancements by building capabilities to support DoD needs. Biomanufacturing capabilities need to be developed to demonstrate and hasten the transition for defense applications such as in agile basing, sustainment, supply chain assurance/diversification and warfighter readiness and performance. Synthetic biology and other biotechnology advancements, demonstrations, transitions, and transition risk reduction efforts should demonstrate increasing technology and manufacturing readiness levels of capabilities that specifically address warfighter needs. Efforts in speeding up DNA synthesis, implementing trusted national manufacturing capabilities, faster materials performance prediction and evaluation, enhancing downstream scale-up and process development and testing should be considered.

We are soliciting presentations to covering a wide range of biotechnology programs. We will consider presentations that articulate the use of biology in manufacturing with direct impact on materials, processes, tools, or technologies for defense applications. These presentations MUST be framed properly for the DMC audience and must have a significant focus on educating that audience in biological concepts/benefits and how they compare to traditional synthetic chemistry. Presentations that include short, high-impact demonstration of biological concepts are highly encouraged. Abstracts should be submitted for presentations which will share the relevant details of biotechnology advancements, demonstrations, transitions, and transition risk reduction to products which increase the manufacturing readiness levels of enabling technologies addressing warfighter needs.

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The composites manufacturing technology session presentations are sourced from a mix invited presenters and selected abstracts. You are invited to submit abstracts which validate and apply advanced manufacturing technologies. Of interest are abstracts focused on pushing the envelope of manufacturing technology to achieve a future state change in the areas of: high temperature composites (organic matrix, carbon-carbon and ceramic matrix composites), thermoplastic composites, polymeric additive manufacturing, low cost & attritable aircraft structures manufacturing technologies, automation, composites joining, industry 4.0, application of artificial intelligence / machine learning in composites manufacturing and, repair technologies. Abstracts should be submitted for presentations which will share the technical details of manufacturing advancements, demonstrations, transition and transition risk reduction to systems requirements which increase the manufacturing readiness levels of enabling technologies addressing warfighter needs.

Only submit abstracts in which the intent is to share sufficient technical information to provide a springboard to process improvements for the attendees will be considered. Sales pitches are not invited.

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The Department of Defense has announced an aggressive schedule for fielding Directed Energy systems, specifically High Energy Lasers (HEL) with combat capabilities. The US Industrial Base and government Manufacturing Technology activities are working closely to insure the timely and cost-effective provision of military grade materials, technologies, and components for system integration and delivery as first units equipped (FUE). We are soliciting presentations from industry and government relevant to the current state of the HEL industrial base, key technologies and components, anticipated and current challenges, and lessons learned for presentation at the Defense Manufacturing Conference.

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Chairperson: Jim Zunino
Materials Engineer
U.S. Army RDE Command
Bldg 60
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ
Phone: (973) 724-6773
Fax :(973)724-4525
Email : james.l.zunino.civ@mail.mil

The Electronics Processing and Fabrication Subpanel requests abstracts on key electronics issues and solutions directly related to current defense-related manufacturing activities. In addition current ongoing Manufacturing Technology programs funded by DoD or its departments are encouraged to submit abstracts that show the accomplishments and the Warfighter impacts of their programs. The combined effect of military budget constraints, rapid changes in electronics technology, and the need to deliver superior and affordable weapons to our Warfighters continues to challenge the defense manufacturing community. Compounding the technology challenge is the requirement to sustain many of our existing weapon systems well beyond their original lifetimes. Papers are sought that address the challenges and offer innovative manufacturing technology solutions that will keep our Warfighters second-to-none on any battlefield.

Suggested topics of selected interest include but are not limited to:

  • Electro-Optics Technologies
    • EO Sensor and Night Vision Systems (including IRFPA)
    • Optical Communications and Networking
    • Analog Photonic Applications (e.g. beam forming, true time delay, antenna links)
    • Laser Systems and Optics (domes, windows, lens, coatings, etc.)
  • Integrated Photonics Technologies
    • High Speed Optical transmissions
    • Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)
    • Photonic Interconnects for Hi-Performance Info Processing Systems
    • Optical Waveguides and Nonlinear Optical Integration
    • Free-space optical communications
    • Photonic Imager and Display Systems
  • RF System and Vacuum Tube Component Technologies
    • Innovative RF Module Manufacturing Processes, Packaging and Materials
    • High Power Amplifier Manufacturing & Thermal Management
    • RF Circuit Integration
    • Non-Hermetic RF Module Manufacturing & Reliability
    • RF System and Component Technologies
    • RF System SWAP, Functionality, and Sustainability Enhancement
    • Vacuum Electron Devices
  • Power and Energy Sources
    • Production base for energy storage and generating devices and components/materials
    • Advanced manufacturing initiatives for batteries and fuel cells
    • Designing weapon systems for the use of batteries and fuel cells
    • Disruptive energy technologies
    • Making Advanced energy storage and generation devices cost effective
  • Electronics Packaging & Assembly
    • High Reliability Packaging and/or Automated Precision Packaging
    • System On a Chip (SOC)
    • Embedded Actives and Passives
    • High Density Substrates and/or MEMS Packaging
    • Advanced Thermal Management
    • Affordable Anti-Tamper Microelectronics
  • Directed Energy Technologies
    • Solid State Laser (Thermal Management, High Power Laser Diodes, Adaptive Optics, Beam Control)
    • High Power Microwave (Thermal Management, Low Loss Windows, Switches and Capacitors, Low Temperature + High Power Dielectrics)
  • Printed Electronics and Other Innovative & Disruptive Electronics Manufacturing Technologies
    • Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing Technology
    • Additive Electronics Manufacturing
    • Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (NEMS)
    • Innovative Nano-Processing for Microelectronics
    • Advanced CNT Processing for Microelectronics Devices and Thermal Management
    • Graphene Carbon Technologies

Selection criteria will include relevance to Warfighter needs. Other topics of interest will also be considered. Selected papers may be used to introduce and support interactive panel discussions or be recommended for poster presentations.

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The Co-Chairs of the 2019 DMC Energetics and Munitions Technical Track seek abstracts on energetics and munitions manufacturing technology for consideration in planning for and conducting technical sessions. Presentations should focus on the support of present and future weapon system, subsystem and component performance requirements of the warfighter and discussions on the issues and solutions impacting affordable manufacturing of superior systems and platforms. Areas to consider are affordable process technologies, controls, and analyses; new or improved manufacturing techniques/methods; environmental impacts and resolutions; technology applications and implementation; energetics and munitions life cycle issues such as demilitarization, sustainment, and repair; and the results from DOD Manufacturing Technology sponsored energetics/munitions activities. The agenda is open to industry, academia, and other government agencies, and/or teaming arrangements that include the areas of interest mentioned above, as well as other topics focusing on energetics and munitions.

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The JDMTP-sponsored Manufacturing Readiness Level Working Group is soliciting abstracts for its two afternoon sessions during this year’s Defense Manufacturing Conference. The Working Group plans to fill out the session slots with a mix of invited presenters and selected abstracts. You are invited to submit abstracts covering a variety of Manufacturing Readiness Level topics, from lessons learned/ challenges encountered when applying/implementing MRLs within your program or company to ways you have adapted/applied the MRL tools or discipline to maximize the value and benefits of manufacturing readiness. We especially welcome abstracts capturing the cost and productivity benefits identified through MRL use.

Only submit abstracts in which the intent is to share sufficient technical information to provide a complete story on the value or challenges of MRLs. We are not seeking company marketing pitches, but rather both good and bad MRL application experiences.

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Presentations within the Metals track will highlight projects that reduce cost and cycle time, improve manufacturing capability, and/or increase performance or producibility of metals, with special emphasis to projects funded through the DoD ManTech, RIF and IBIF programs. Topics of interest to the Metals Processing and Fabrication Subpanel include:

  1. Advanced Manufacturing Processes:
  2. a. Advanced joining technologies to include new processes, process improvements, new alloys, and dissimilar metal/material joining
    b. Advanced forming/machining technologies
    c. Additive manufacturing of metals
    d. Process models on material effects to guide the factory floor fabrication process
    e. Manufacturing technologies suitable for expeditionary deployment
  3. Qualification and Certification:
  4. a. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)
    b. Effects of defects
    c. Rapid qualification approaches for metals processing methods and end-use parts
  5. Design/Sustainment:
  6. a. Design for manufacturability of metal components
    b. Life extension of legacy parts (i.e. manufacturing technology for repair, reset, and or upgrades)
    c. Repair of high value components to improve operational availability at reduced cost
    d. DOD curation of repair process information
  7. Tailorable Materials
  8. a. Performance-based component design
    b. Development of modeling and simulation packages that can accurately integrate multiple-material components from chemistry through processing to final properties
    c. Communication of local material requirements
    • Embedding technical data packages in components
    • Digital twins
  9. Comprehensive Inspection Strategy for Future Manufacturing Technologies
  10. a. In-process NDE monitoring to inform and reduce post-production inspection requirements
    b. In-situ processing adaptations based on in-process inspection/monitoring
    c. Incorporation of COTS sensors into manufacturing processes using data gathering to inform better manufacturing processes
    d. Development of quantitative inspection criteria

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Poster sessions provide an opportunity to share research in a forum other than a workshop setting. We invite poster abstracts that are closely related to the Conference theme. Posters will be on display in the Exhibit Hall during the receptions and scheduled breaks. If hours are adjusted you will be notified of the scheduled Poster Session hours.

Submit Abstract

Questions concerning Abstracts should be directed to the

Critical Dates Close/Date
Abstract Submission Extended to August 9, 2019
Abstract Notification for Acceptance/Denial Extended to September 13, 2019
Presentation Due to UTC November 15, 2019

Rules for Submitting Abstracts

Please ensure that your management has approved your participation in the conference before submitting an abstract. (Approval of travel costs and registration fees. Registration fees will be posted and online registration will open in the Fall. Registration fees will not be higher than $945 for full registration and will include access to both DMC and DMSMS.)

Abstracts should include a concise description of the content, conclusions, and significance of the proposed presentation. If the author has presented similar information at previous conferences, then the abstract should clearly state what new results or information will be presented.

  • Please limit the abstract to approximately 200-500 words and do not include the abstract title, authors, or any other information other than the abstract in the area labeled "Abstract" on the online submission form.

Presentation Selection

If your abstract is selected for presentation at DMC 2019, you will be requested to submit presentation materials to UTC in electronic format no later than November 8, 2019. Upon acceptance of your abstract, specific instructions for technical preparation will be provided. PLEASE NOTE: Only one author can be identified as the presenter and make the presentation.

What is Required if Your Presentation is Selected?

  • 50-100 Word Biography Sketch of Presenter
  • Presentation for loading onto session computers
  • Presentation for inclusion in Proceedings
  • Each Presentation must not exceed 30 minutes (including Q&A time)
  • Presentations that are accepted must participate at the time scheduled by the Conference Committee
  • If your abstract is selected and you accept, you will be considered as an attending participant to the conference and will be required to pay the full attendee registration. There are too many speakers associated with this conference to waive fees or offer discounted fees and still be a viable conference. Please make note of this when submitting your abstract.
Each Technical Session Room will be equipped with the following audio-visual devices:
  • LCD Projector
  • Computer with PowerPoint installed
  • Projection Screen
  • Microphone

Contact Call for Abstracts Managers

Universal Technology Company
1270 North Fairfield Road
Dayton, OH 45432-2600

Telephone: (937) 426-2808
Fax: (937) 426-8755