Exhibitor Information

Exhibit Hall Map

Exhibit Hall Capacity


10'x10' Booth Space Includes

  • Two (2) Exhibitor Staff Badges per booth
  • Standard 8-foot back drape and 3-foot side drape
  • Attendee networking food functions in the Exhibit Hall
  • Dedicated Exhibitor networking session
  • Exhibitor listed on the exhibit map webpage
  • Exhibitor description listed on website
  • Exhibitor listed in the printed Final Program
  • Exhibit Hall Security
  • SecureLead Retrieval System
  • Exhibitor Service Manual

Lead Retrieval (SecureLead™)

Again for 2019, the lead retrieval system will be offered to all Exhibitors as part of the rental fee. This system has proven beneficial for capturing new contacts to increase your customer base.

Each registrant for the Conference will register with the basic information of address, telephone number, email, etc. Badges will be electronically produced along with a lead retrieval QR Code on the back of the badge. The registrant will wear their badge throughout the Exhibit Hall. As Attendees visit your booth, simply scan their QR code to capture their contact information.


If an Exhibitor must cancel their booth, or a portion of multiple booths, booth fees are non-refundable. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the Exhibit Manager.

Floor Plan

UTC, on behalf of DMC/DMSMS, reserves the right to rearrange the final floor plan based on unsold or unoccupied exhibit space.

Exhibitor Expectations

Confirmed Exhibitors will receive more detailed information on the following items:

  • How to Submit Your Company/Organization Logo & Website
  • Service Manuals
  • Submit Exhibitor Prospectus
  • How to Register Your Exhibit Staff Badges
  • Registering Onsite Points of Contact
  • How to Receive Registered Exhibitor Staff Lists



Exhibiting organizations and their representatives are required to wear ID badges throughout the Exhibit Hall. ID badges are not transferable, and DMC reserves the right to withdraw a badge used to gain admission to the Exhibition / Conference by any person other than the one for whom it was issued.

Preliminary Exhibit Hall Hours

December 1
December 2
December 3
December 4
Exhibit Set Up

Exhibit Set Up
Exhibits Open
Exhibits Open
Opening of Exhibits with Welcome Reception
Networking Reception
Exhibit Teardown

Please note: Exhibitor hours are subject to change to conform to the Conference agenda.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are contacted by a third party agent, these agencies have NOT been contracted by Universal Technology Company to represent the DMC Conference. Possible third party solicitations can include but are not limited to: Attendee Lists, Hotel Rooms, Exhibit Booth Materials, etc. Therefore, if you book with a third party, you do so at your own risk.

Contact Exhibit Managers

Universal Technology Company
1270 North Fairfield Road
Dayton, OH 45432-2600

Telephone: (937) 426-2808
Fax: (937) 426-8755