Exhibit Information

Interested in exhibiting at DMC 2025?

Exhibitor Benefits

  • Full Access to the Conference App with Attendee Lists, Agenda, Scavenger Hunt & More
  • Option to upgrade allotted exhibit hall staff badges to full attendee pass for a discounted rate
  • Dedicated Exhibitor Networking Sessions
  • Complete Organization Listing on conference website & mobile App to include Company Overview, Logo, & Link to Website
  • Organization Visibility in Final Program & Onsite Signage

Exhibitor Overview

Presale Booth Fees are $3,750 per 10'x10'*

*After presales booth fees will increase to $3,950

Application Submission

Submit your application online.

Payment Deadline

Balance owed is due within 45 days

Booth Selection

Choose at least 3 locations from booth map (in case your first choice has already been assigned).

Exhibit Hall Capacity


10'x10' Booth Space Includes

  • Three (3) Exhibit Hall Staff Badges
  • All Food Functions within the Exhibit Hall
  • Exhibit Hall Security
  • Standard 8-foot back drape and 3-foot side drape
  • Confirmed Exhibitors will receive more detailed information on the following items:
  • Guidance on submitting your Company/Organization Logo & Website.
  • Information on downloading the Service Manuals.
  • Details on how to Register Your Exhibit Staff Badges.
  • Instructions for Registering Onsite Points of Contact.


Exhibiting organizations and their representatives are required to wear ID badges throughout the Exhibit Hall. ID badges are not transferable, and DMC reserves the right to withdraw a badge used to gain admission to the Exhibition / Conference by any person other than the one for whom it was issued.


PLEASE NOTE: If you are contacted by a third party agent, these agencies have NOT been contracted by ARCTOS to represent the DMC Conference. Possible third party solicitations can include but are not limited to: Attendee Lists, Hotel Rooms, Exhibit Booth Materials, etc. Therefore, if you book with a third party, you do so at your own risk.

Exhibitor Rules

  • Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect and indemnify DMC 2025, ARCTOS, Show Management and its subcontractors, show hosts, sponsors and co-sponsors, and the Caribe Royale harmless from any claims, losses, expenses, (including attorneys’ fees) and liability arising in connection with the DMC meeting being held at the the Caribe Royale November 17-20, 2025. Exhibitor agrees to make no claims whatsoever for loss, theft, damage, destruction of goods; nor for any injury to himself or employees while in the exhibit hall; nor for any damage of any nature, including damage to his business, nor for any loss resulting from labor disputes, acts of God or nature, or any actions of any nature of DMC 2025 and Show Management. DMC will engage a security service during the inclusive move-in period, operational hours and move-out period of the exhibition. However, furnishing of such service will not increase the liability of DMC, the event venue, their officers, employees or agents. Exhibitor may elect to hire additional security services for its property, at its own expense, through the official General Services Contractor for the exhibition.
  • Upon acceptance of the booth application, payment must be received within 45 days or space may be released. If fees are fully or partially unpaid at time of on site badge pick up, exhibitor will be prohibited from setting up their display until fees are paid in full.
  • Exhibitor to notify Show Management in writing if it needs to change its booth size, change its company listing and/or contact information, as well as if it needs to cancel out of the show. Please note: In the event of total or partial cancellation (space size reduction) by Exhibitor, the booth fee will not be reduced or refunded.
  • Exhibitor must designate a Point of Contact for the show. Information regarding the show will be disseminated to the Point of Contact electronically. The Show Management will provide the Exhibitor an Exhibitor Log-in User ID and Password to use to register staff members, upload logo, etc. This log-in will allow an Exhibitor to obtain information not listed on the Exhibiting page of the website
  • Exhibitor acknowledges that DMC 2025, ARCTOS, Show Management and its subcontractors, and the Caribe Royale do not maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property. The Exhibitor is advised to carry floater insurance to cover their exhibit material against damage and loss and public liability insurance to cover against injury to the Exhibitor, its staff, and to injury to others. All property of Exhibitor is understood to remain under its custody and control in transit to and from and within the confines of the exhibit area.
  • No exhibit shall be permitted to interfere with a neighboring exhibit. Island exhibits must not include a back wall that blocks visibility of neighboring booths. In-line booth walls or equipment displayed must not exceed eight (8) feet in height. Any exceptions or modifications to the height restrictions must be approved by Show Management.
  • All exhibits must be set up by 3:30 PM on Monday, November 17. If for some reason booth materials have not yet arrived and the Exhibitor must set up at a later time/day, setup must be coordinated with Service Decorator and Show Management to ensure booths are setup during the slower traffic times.
  • No explosives, fuel, combustibles, hazardous materials, decorative materials neither fireproofed nor flameproofed, or any other materials or substances deemed hazardous under applicable fire regulations may be brought into the Exhibit Hall.
  • Exhibitor must observe all union regulations in force in the Exhibit Hall and use qualified personnel for services.

Exhibitor Faq

$3,950 per 10'x10'

Fees are due within 45 days of registration. If fees are fully or partially unpaid at time of on site badge pick up, exhibitor will be prohibited from setting up their display until fees are paid in full.

  • Attendee networking functions in the Exhibit Hall
  • Company/Organization listing on Website
  • Listing on interactive Exhibit Hall Layout with links to Company/Organization website
  • Company/Organization contact information and Exhibitor description listed on Conference website
  • Three (3) Exhibit-only staff badges per each 10' x 10' booth space
  • Exhibition Security
  • Standard 8-foot back drape and 3-foot side drape
  • Access to the Arctos ProLead App
  • Exhibitor Service Manual
  • Exhibitor move-in will begin on Sunday, November 16 from 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM.

    Unfortunately, there are no Attendee registrations that come with the booth. Exhibitors have the option to upgrade each of the staff member exhibit hall only badges included with their booth (3 per 10x10, 6 per 10x20, 12 per 20x20, etc.) for a discounted fee of $495 each. All attendee registration requirements must be met to upgrade.

    Each 10x10 booth includes 3 staff member exhibit hall only badges. Additional staff member exhibit hall only badges are available at $500 each. Exhibitors have the option to upgrade each of the staff member exhibit hall only badges included with their booth (3 per 10x10, 6 per 10x20, 12 per 20x20, etc.) for a discounted fee of $495 each. All attendee registration requirements must be met to upgrade.

    The deadline to register Exhibit staff members is October 27, 2025 (3 weeks prior to Conference).

    If you have more than the allotted 3 staff members, additional staff member exhibit hall only badges can be purchased by the Exhibit POC for $500 each.

    If you need to cancel a staff member registration or update info to one that has already been submitted, you can email Ms. Elise Rountree.

    This may be because the names you have submitted as staff members have not yet been processed. Wait until these names show up under your login, and then you will be able to select a POC.

    Exhibit staff may join any meal function held inside the Exhibit Hall. If your staff member is registered as a conference attendee, they will automatically be allowed in the lunches.

    Anything you may need for your booth is coordinated by Steele Tradeshow Services. All order forms are located within the Boomer Commerce website. Emails to access the Boomer Commerce website are sent to exhibit POC’s. If you need assistance, with the Boomer Commerce website please contact Rico Ibanez by email or by phone at 760-360-5053.

    Steele Tradeshow will coordinate all shipping for this show. This information is listed within the Boomer Commerce website. If you need assistance, with the Boomer Commerce website please contact Rico Ibanez by email or by phone at 760-360-5053.

    There will be sponsored WiFi access available for Attendees and Exhibitors. You will need to purchase internet for your booth if you need access for demonstrations.

    A variety of sponsorship packages are available at the show to maximize your exposure at the event. For a full listing of sponsorship packages and details, visit the webpage. Questions may be directed to Ms. Elise Rountree

    Exhibit Refund / Cancellation / Release of Space

    If an Exhibitor must cancel their booth, or a portion of multiple booths, booth fees are non-refundable.

    All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the Exhibit Manager. All Exhibitor Booth rentals must be paid in full within 45 days of submittal, or, if registering for an exhibit booth within four weeks of the Conference, payment must accompany the registration. If Exhibitor Booth fees are not paid by these dates, space will be released.

    In the event DMC/ARCTOS must cancel or postpone the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, DMC/ARCTOS will refund in full the paid exhibit booth fees. However, DMC/ARCTOS does not assume responsibility for any additional costs, charges, or expenses; to include, charges made for travel and lodging. If the Conference is postponed, paid Exhibitors will be given the option to transfer their payment to the rescheduled dates or receive a full refund upon DMC/ARCTOS’s receipt of the Company’s Booth cancellation, in writing, and within 4 weeks of the announcement of the rescheduled Conference dates.

    (Unforeseen circumstances is used to describe an event that is unexpected and prevents DMC/ARCTOS from continuing with the Conference.)

    Exhibit Hall Hours

    Nov 16

    Exhibit Set Up
    1:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    Nov 17

    Exhibit Set Up
    8:00 AM – 3:30 PM

    Welcome Reception
    5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    Nov 18

    Exhibits Open
    11:30 AM - 6:30 PM

    Networking Reception
    4:45 PM - 6:30 PM

    Nov 19

    Exhibits Open
    10:00 AM - 3:30 PM

    Exhibit Hall Tear-down
    3:30 PM - 9:00 PM

    Contact Us

    Exhibit Manager &Information

     Ms Elise Rountree

    2601 Mission Point Blvd, Suite 300
    Beavercreek, OH 45431


    Thank you to our sponsors for supporting the 2024 conference.

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